Why join PERUSA?
Stand out and be noticed. It is the great resource that must be valued if you want to advance professionally.
It's not just who you know, but who other people know. With networking we take care of our network of contacts.
Share success stories and testimonials. Your success stories will attract new potential customers.
Participate in educational events. Digital tools allow us to connect and learn from a distance to incorporate new efficient work models.
Participate in our committees and meet other professionals who could become partners to create and develop future projects.
As a member of the Peruvian-American Chamber you will be able to:
- Promote your occupation, profession or business
- Network and have the opportunity to create business relationships throughout the United States and LATAM
- Receive updated economic and commercial information about Peru
- Access our database and directories
- Access to business opportunities and referrals
- Receive invitations to networking events, meetings, seminars, conferences, etc.
You are in the right place and we can help you. Below are the different memberships with many more benefits for you and your organization
Listado en el Directorio PERUSA
Invitation to a preferential rate in all our events
Commercial and economic news (via e-mail and Web)
1 Tarjeta de Descuento:
Ingreso al Grupo Exclusivo de WhatsApp, espacio para compartir contactos e información relevante.
Share with our members and contacts information about your company's profile, products and/or services
Oportunidad de organizar y patrocinar eventos para mostrar el perfil de su empresa con el respaldo de PERUSA
Discount on invitations to special events of guest speakers experts in Economy and Trade between Peru and the United States
Disponibilidad de nuestra Asistente Administrativa para coordinar reuniones con otros miembros.
Hasta 2 personas a todos los eventos presenciales de networking: 12 al año aproximadamente
Hasta 4 entradas a PERÚ GOURMET
Entrevista exclusiva en los medios de FEBICHAM (Agrupación de empresarios de Hispanoamérica) + de 15 mil envíos
Logo on our Website
Posts exclusivos con información de su marca en nuestras páginas de Facebook, Linkedin e Instagram: 3 veces al año
E-mail Blasts exclusivos solo con información de su marca a nuestra base de datos de más de 1,500 empresarios: 3 veces al año
Logotipo en todos los Newsletter: 30 envíos al año
Banner de marca en todos los eventos presenciales de networking: 12 al año
Espacio especial prioritario para la presentaciòn de su negocio en las Ruedas de Negocio
Logotipo en todos nuestros eventos online como Webinar y Rueda de Negocios: 24 al año
Listed in the directory of PERUSA
Invitation to a preferential rate in all our events
Commercial and economic news (via e-mail and Web)
1 Tarjeta de Descuento:
Opportunity to participate in special events of guest speakers experts in Economy and Trade between Peru and the United States
Share with our members and contacts information about your company's profile, products and/or services
Oportunidad de organizar y patrocinar eventos para mostrar el perfil de su empresa con el respaldo de PERUSA
Posts complementarios en nuestras páginas de Facebook, Linkedin e Instagram 3 por año
2 pases anuales gratuitos a eventos patrocinados por PERUSA incluye PERU GOURMET
Logotipo en todos los Newsletter: Aproximadamente 30 envíos en el año.
Ingreso al Grupo Exclusivo de WhatsApp, espacio para compartir contactos e información relevante.
Logo on our Website
3 E-mail Blasts en el año a todos nuestros contactos en nuestra base de datos de más de 1,500 empresarios
Listed in the directory of PERUSA
Invitation to a preferential rate in all our events
Commercial and economic news (via e-mail and Web)
1 Tarjeta de Descuento:
Ingreso al Grupo Exclusivo de WhatsApp, espacio para compartir contactos e información relevante.
Share with our members and contacts information about your company's profile, products and/or services
Oportunidad de organizar y patrocinar eventos para mostrar el perfil de su empresa con el respaldo de PERUSA
Complementary posts on our Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram pages
2 pases anuales gratuitos a eventos patrocinados por PERUSA (Excepto PERU GOURMET)
3 anuncios al año en nuestro newsletter, los mismos que se incluirán en la zona de Publicidad de miembros.
Discount on invitations to special events of guest speakers experts in Economy and Trade between Peru and the United States
2 free tickets to Peru Gourmet
Logo on our Website
3 E-mail Blasts to all our contacts in our database.
Listed in the directory of PERUSA
Invitation to a preferential rate in all our events
Commercial and economic news (via e-mail and Web)
1 Tarjeta de Descuento:
Ingreso al Grupo Exclusivo de WhatsApp, espacio para compartir contactos e información relevante.
Share with our members and contacts information about your company's profile, products and/or services
Opportunity to host and sponsor events to showcase your company profile
Complementary posts on our Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram pages
2 free annual passes to events sponsored by PERUSA
Discount on invitations to special events of guest speakers experts in Economy and Trade between Peru and the United States
2 free tickets to Peru Gourmet
Logo on our Website
3 E-mail Blasts to all our contacts in our database.
Listed in the directory of PERUSA
Invitation to a preferential rate in all our events
Commercial and economic news (via e-mail and Web)
1 Tarjeta de Descuento:
Ingreso al Grupo Exclusivo de WhatsApp: espacio para compartir contactos e información relevante.
Share with our members and contacts information about your company's profile, products and/or services
Opportunity to host and sponsor events to showcase your company profile
Complementary posts on our Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram pages
2 free annual passes to events sponsored by PERUSA
Discount on invitations to special events of guest speakers experts in Economy and Trade between Peru and the United States
2 free tickets to Peru Gourmet
Logo on our Website
3 E-mail Blasts to all our contacts in our database.
If you want, leave us your information and we will contact you
Sign up to our mailing list
News, Events and Newsletter of the Peruvian American Chamber of Commerce